Friday, August 20, 2010


I had a very positive meeting with the Athletic Director this afternoon. We were able to work out some of the confusion on counting the pledge drive for the 10-11 season. He appears very supportive of trying to work on a plan to present to the Vice President about 1) making sure pledges come through for 10-11 and 2)giving us time to raise $450,000 for the following two years. This would then give us time to try and endow the program.


We gave out $76,000 in scholarships for 10-11. Tuition cost rose again and is reflected in that #. So the two year goal would be $450,000 but would insure that the wrestling program is good through 12-13.


The economic crisis is really pinching the athletic department and not being in the conference is the main problem.


So now we can go to work on getting the money raised.


Brian Quinn is a good man. He has saved us a couple times before. He needs encouragement and support to continue to fight for us with the administrators above him. PLEASE send positive, encouraging e-mails. Negative bashing will not help us. I get frustrated and have got to remember people are trying to survive in these tough economic times. Encouraging messages about what wrestling does for our young people is what he needs to hear at this point and our willingness to help financially.


Dan Hicks

Head Wrestling Coach

Cal State Fullerton





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