Monday, November 8, 2010

FW: Cal State Fullerton Wrestling Season Preview



Good afternoon everyone.

Cal State Fullerton wrestling begins its 2010-11 season this weekend in San Luis Obispo, Calif., and will take on Cal Poly on Nov. 13 begining at 1 p.m.

To mark the begining of their season, we have a video season preview for your waiting on our page at The Titans' media relations staff sat down with ninth-year Head Coach Dan Hicks to talk about the upcoming season.

Like always, you can view this video from your computer or mobile device. All you have to do to see Coach Hicks' interview is go to:

These types of videos are a great way to hear directly from coaches an players on what is going on in each of their programs. If you would like to see the other CSF sports' sesaon previews, head over to the album we have set up at:

Thank you for your support, and Go Titans!

Mike Greenlee
Asst. Athletic Media Relations Director

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