Monday, November 22, 2010

New strategy to let keys decision makers know we want wrestling at Cal State Fullerton


Cal State Fullerton University Wrestling Newsletter


cid:image001.png@01CA50AA.3030D710"We simply must make sure that our athletics programs represent all of the United States and all of our complexity. We have to be committed in higher education and intercollegiate athletics to the philosophy of promoting diversity in our work…We are not the NCAA for part of America but for all of America. We have to walk that talk."


NCAA President's thoughts on importance of Diversity.


We need to begin to let the key decision makers know that we do not want them to push wrestling out the Athletic

Department at Cal State Fullerton. Join the fight . Follow the plan below. Everyone has a voice and a job.


Dan Hicks



The March for CSF Wrestling

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The March for Cal State Fullerton Wrestling
powered by Riot

The March for Cal State Fullerton

Gimme 5! Just 5 minutes. Cal State Fullerton wrestling needs just 5 minutes to make one contact in the name of saving the program. We've done most of the work for you! We just need your follow through.  The cumulative effort of all of those enlisted in the CSF army will move mountains.

Click here for a tutorial

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Your Mission

On the table below, find your birthmonth across the top, then the current month on the left-most column. Where they intersect is the name of the person that we need you to contact this month. The "Method" column will tell you the method of contact that we prefer that you use.

Once you find out who you are to contact, you can find their contact information below the table along with suggested talking points.

Keep it Simple. Keep it professional. Be diplomatic.

We don't expect you to take more than 5-10 minutes to complete this task on our behalf.

Thank you for your help!

Dan Hicks













Vice President

Chair of Academic Senate

Dir of Development for Athletics

Assoc Dir for Finance for Athletics



Assoc Dir for Finance for Athletics



Vice President

Chair of Academic Senate

Dir of Development for Athletics



Dir of Development for Athletics

Assoc Dir for Finance for Athletics



Vice President

Chair of Academic Senate



Chair of Academic Senate

Dir of Development for Athletics

Assoc Dir for Finance for Athletics



Vice President



Vice President

Chair of Academic Senate

Dir of Development for Athletics

Assoc Dir for Finance for Athletics






Vice President

Chair of Academic Senate

Dir of Development for Athletics

Assoc Dir for Finance for Athletics






Vice President

Chair of Academic Senate

Dir of Development for Athletics

Assoc Dir for Finance for Athletics



Assoc Dir for Finance for Athletics



Vice President

Chair of Academic Senate

Dir of Development for Athletics



Dir of Development for Athletics

Assoc Dir for Finance for Athletics



Vice President

Chair of Academic Senate



Chair of Academic Senate

Dir of Development for Athletics

Assoc Dir for Finance for Athletics



Vice President



Vice President

Chair of Academic Senate

Assoc Dir for Finance for Athletics

Dir of Development for Athletics






Vice President

Chair of Academic Senate

Assoc Dir for Finance for Athletics

Dir of Development for Athletics



Athletic Director Brian Quinn:; 657-278-2777  P.O. Box 6810, Fullerton, Ca. 92834

Vice President Si Abrego: Son Wrestled at Fullerton. Son is a big donor to the program. Si may be taking over responsibility for supervising Athletics as VP of Student Affairs when current VP retires in Dec 2010; 657-278-3221  800 North State College Blvd.,Fullerton, Ca 92831

Chair of the Academic Sentate: Scott Hewitt; 657-278-3689  800 North State College Blvd.,Fullerton, Ca 92831

President Milton Gordon: He is on committee with NCAA for enhancement of Hispanic opportunities in college sports as a player, coach and administrator. Has done zero to help the athletic department or Hispanic athletes for past 10 years. Does not value athletics. No action to go with the rhetoric.; 657-278-3456  800 North State College Blvd.,Fullerton, Ca 92831
Director For Development for athletics. Pamela Jones A friend who has helped a lot.; 657-278-4407, P.O. Box 6810, Fullerton, Ca. 92834

Associate Director of Finance for athletic department: Rob Scialdone A friend of wrestling.; 657-278-3554 P.O. Box 6810, Fullerton, Ca. 92834

Talking Points

  • High School Wrestling Participation By State 2009-2010 
    • California 27,469 High School Wrestlers but only 7 four year schools to attend in California.
    • Only 19 Junior colleges left in California.
  • Athletics: The other half of education. Included in article in email below.
    • Leaders come from athletics.
    • Especially wrestling…..
      • Dennis Hastert,
      • Donald Rumsfield,
      • Billy Baldwin
      • More Fortune 500 CEO's have wrestled than participated in any other sport (58% of them have wrestled!)
  • Opportunities for Hispanics need to be expanded.
    • President Gordon is on a national committee to expand opportunities for Hispanics as       athletes, coaches and administrators.
    • He has not shown any support for athletics to date at Cal State Fullerton.
    • Encourage his involvement.
  • Athletics bring community and connection to a commuter campus. CSUF has 30,000+ students. Most are commuters. Improving student life on campus comes through the Recreation Center, Athletics and Clubs.Wrestling has represented Cal State Fullerton at the NCAA Tournament every year for the past 26 years.
  • We are relatively inexpensive for the school.
    • $2,300 per athlete for expenses compared to $15,000 plus for Men's Basketball.
    • Thirty-Five wrestlers compared to 13 basketball players.

Additional resources below:

  • Everyday Champions:  & Lasting Impact Luncheon Video
  • UC Davis last of UC system schools with wrestling:
    • There were previously four UC campuses that offered wrestling, UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Davis. All have now been eliminated.
    • There are over 27,000 student-athletes in California high schools that participate in wrestling, or 10% of all the high school wrestlers in the nation.
    • Wrestling is the 6th largest high school sport in California and the nation,
      • and the largest of the so-called "minor" sports.
    • Wrestling in California high schools and colleges has a very high minority participation.
    • Wrestling offers participation and scholarship opportunities for scholar-athletes of ALL size and skill to participate.
    • Wrestling has the lowest percentage of collegiate participation and scholarship opportunities of any sport in the state, and none in the UC system.
    • Wrestling is one of the fastest growing sports in the state, with more than a 25% increase since the 2002-2003.
    • Student-athletes of every sport, many far smaller than wrestling, have many more opportunities in the UC system than wrestlers.
    • Student-athletes of some sports eliminated by UC Davis have many places in the UC system to transfer to and still participate in their sport.  Wrestlers do not. 
  • Participation Rates compared to other states and sports (2009-2010).
    • CSUF is one of only two four years schools ( Cal Baptist University- NAIA) with wrestling south of the Tehachapi Mts.
    • We represent 18 million people in Southern California.
    • There are 374 high schools with wrestling with in a 2.5 hours radius of Cal State Fullerton.
  • The NCAA and the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities have entered a strategic partnership to increase the number of Hispanics involved in collegiate sports at all levels as players, coaches and athletic administrators, including NCAA professional staff.
  • An advisory working group including five presidents from five NCAA member institutions has been formed:
    • Ricardo R. Fernandez, Lehman College
    • Mildred Garcia, California State University, Dominguez Hills
    • Milton A. Gordon, California State University, Fullerton
    • Kimberly Cline, Mercy College
    • Stephen M. Jordan, Metropolitan State College of Denver
  • Also part of the group are NCAA staff members
    • Bernard W. Franklin, executive vice president, membership and student-athlete affairs,
    • Kim Ford, director of office of diversity and inclusion.
  • The partnership is an outgrowth of a June meeting of NCAA Division II Hispanic-Serving Institution presidents and chancellors.
    • The effort has been broadened to include all NCAA divisions.


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Cal State Fullerton University Wrestling

P.O. Box 6810

Fullerton, CA 92834

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